Vent Sesh: You Before Me
I love you and I usually think you make me wiser, funnier, and think more critically and creatively. However you’ve made me sick. Ok, ok, before you start hating me, hear me out: I’ve been feeling like crap since Thursday night. Yet who struggled through posting for Friday and her first weekend link roundup (which I’m so excited about starting, by the way!)? Who I sat in bed Sunday night laying out Monday’s post, with a fever and awful headache? And, who went to the doctor on Monday, foolishly went back to work for a few hours and then, instead of napping, felt too guilty to sleep and developed Tuesday’s post about coffee table styling? Think you guessed it…
Turns out, I have pneumonia. The doctor called on Tuesday after checking my chest x-ray. I’m not sure who gets that in the summer except me but regardless, I’ve been trying to power through it. For you. For my clients. Really, for everyone but myself. Why? Why am I always last and not to be a bit harsh, but why are you always first? It’s because I love you so dearly. It’s because I love this blog so significantly that I’ve made it okay to devalue me. And, that just ain’t cool!
What’s interesting is that this is one of my most frequent conversations with bloggers: non-posting guilt. Obviously if I had time to plan further out as I should a little sickness might not be so bad but I’m often writing posts just a day or two in advance; even when the schedule is determined long before. Like other bloggers with big visions, a lack of regular posts can equal decreased traffic and engagement, which can lead to decreased revenue potential and more, or even just the chance to grow and not remain static over time.
While I’m an insanely competitive person I need to give into myself and place me first. It’s going to be a challenge as I often place others before me. Can you relate? Do you do this in your own life? It reminds me of a funny-in-hindsight story from my previous job. Following a major hurricane, my boss demanded we return to work despite the fact that gas was low, traffic lights were out and debris was everywhere. I like to think that my job in PR is/was that important however it’s not. Not more than my safety. And, this blog is truthfully not more important than my health. If I miss one day or even a week (gasp!), it will still be here when I return. These are really blips on the screen.
So, I’m going to take care of myself, not promise you a post for Thursday or Friday, and hope you’ll come visit this weekend for a roundup of my favorite links… assuming I’m up to getting it live (ok, let’s not go to extremes: there’s no way I can go longer than three days; I’m a work in progress).
August 19, 2012
You always have to put yourself first. Don’t feel bad about it.
August 16, 2012
OOH NO! Feel better and get lots of rest. Try and let go of the guilt. It takes practice … but you’ll get there. Just remember… take care of you first, the rest will follow.
August 15, 2012
i hope you feel better soon alyson! i’ll be back to read, whenever your next post is up
August 15, 2012
I know exactly how you feel. So much guilt. I used to tease that if I felt as guilty for skipping a workout as I do for skipping a post, I would be in amazing shape!
Take care of yourself!
August 15, 2012
Get some rest! Please DO IT for us! We will survive and so will you!
August 15, 2012
I wish everyone realizes that nothing is more important than your health, your safety and your family. Put anything above these things for too long and you risk burning your candle at both ends or worse. I speak from experience. I hope you take some well-deserved rest and get better soon. Don’t worry about any new posts. We don’t even have enough time to even go online. At least, most of us.
August 15, 2012
we’ll still be here! go rest! hope you feel better
matzo ball soup, stat! xoxoxo
August 15, 2012
I think it’s always hard to skip a post, but just remember that your loyal readers have no problem waiting
Get better! Give yourself a break and some much needed rest…. and much deserved!
August 15, 2012
I definitely relate. Part of my problem is I have a running list of things I want to accomplish, so I often get caught in the trap of thinking that working on those things IS putting myself first, when really, it’s just more work — it’s not giving myself a chance to relax and have some downtime. I’m learning lately that you really have to give yourself time to do things purely for your own enjoyment.
August 15, 2012
I 100% agree, and you know first hand from my vents to you, even about our upcoming trip, the stress than entails. Rest up and feel better Xo.
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