Truth: There’s a Lot on My Plate
Fact: a totally awesome girlfriend (who seems to have it all!) said that she’s frequently discussing the challenges of balancing it all with her gal pals. And, for those debating a baby… can it work? Can I still have my life?
the friendships its afforded me and the creative outlet its provided when I needed it most.
I couldn’t give up my career, and the desire to build a business.
I am confident that when my daughter is old enough to know, she will be so proud of her mommy.
So for those of you debating a baby?
Ask any mom: you make the time and you don’t even realize it.
Except for daily the moments when I really wish she’d stop crying for a few minutes in the morning so I could sleep longer, I can’t remember what I did with the moments of the day that didn’t include her.
But what about my family and friends. Could I spend more time with them?
Yes. Especially fam. While I still want more time to spend with friends I realize my grandparents won’t be with us forever. I’m so, so fortunate that I still have all four and that they live close. I need to visit more.
I need to travel more to see my mom (even though I just wish she’d move close already)!
I need to try to take better care of my dad, even if he frustrates me to no end.
Oh and me?
Yeah, I need to focus on me, on making the doctor appointments I need to (ya I look pretty “average” but this gal has a few pretty sucky issues you can’t see in pics; more on another day), getting the sleep I need, exercising and most importantly, spending quality time with my husband and daughter whenever possible.
So while I don’t do this perfectly. I’m trying. And, that’s all you can do, too.
Do you feel overwhelmed with everything sometimes like me? I wonder how I can be superwoman.
I realize it does take a village and you cannot be too afraid to ask (or pay!) for help.
I have someone clean our house (usually every two weeks, sometimes more. best. investment. ever.), we hire babysitters so we can go out just the two of us or with couples and have her come early so we can get ready in peace. I’m hiring a full-time associate for my business (woohoo, HUGE step). And…
I’m taking a blog-cation.
Consider this your last post for about a week. (I’ll miss you!!!) Will tell you what I’m up to when I return, except to say that not blogging (and trying to stay away from social media when possible) to give me more time to do all the things I haven’t been doing.
Maybe I’ll even read a book (I recently bought two — The Help and Tina Fey’s Bossypants).
Picture me like this….
Wishing you SUPER-WOMEN a sparkly Fourth of July.
July 6, 2011
love this post!! incredibly inspiring & a nice reminder that other’s feel the same way. I can totally relate!
Enjoy your blogcation!
July 6, 2011
Another great “Pour Your Heart Out” post, Alyson! I have been feeling much of the same way lately, which definitely contributed to my recent absence in the blogosphere, but I think it’s so important to make time for the ones we love! By the way, you are super lucky you still have all 4 grandparents! That’s amazing! My father’s parents passed a way when I was in high school, which was really hard for me, but my mother’s parents are still around, and I love seeing them whenever I can! I only wish my family weren’t so far away so I could actually see them more than a handful of times in the year. Kellen doesn’t really remember his grandparents because they all died either before he was born or when he was really young, which makes me pretty sad. His mom’s parents both died while she was still fairly young.
Makes you really appreciate what you have and also realize that you aren’t guaranteed anything except for moment.
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