Seeing as this blog is for real women who deal with weighty issues (pun intended),
I wanted to broach the topic of weight, and… I’m sharing my number.
{ps: this is me again participating in Pour Your Heart Out from The Things I cannot Say.}
First of all… weight: UGH!
It’s how we look, it’s the stupid number that gets so many women riled up.
Is it up, is it down… do I weight less than her?!
Most women are lying if they say they’ve never compared themselves to another woman and felt a teeny tiny satisfaction knowing they weigh less than the other. Don’t lie.
Heck, I’ll admit it: I have, and I’ve come to realize how absurd that is. No one is like me.
She could be five inches taller, have breasts three times the size of mine, anything. Why am I comparing??
At 31-years-old I need to know it’s pointless.
I’m over it. At least, I’m going to try my damnedest to be!
This is who I am. A 124-lb. woman who is proud of her body. I have to be.
This body is my vessel taking me through life. In just two years it’s carried a baby and has come back from paralysis. It’s created life and overcoming freaking paralysis. Pretty incredible.
About me: I’m a Weight Watcher lifetime member who’s lowest weight hovered around 115 pounds. In remember in elementary and middle school I was always the girl who was a little overweight,
and in high school and college I was always in the 140s. Not the 1-teens or 120s like the “popular girls.”
I guess that’s what started my “number fixation.” Thanks, dude.
Can’t believe I’m posting this: here’s me in early 2002. Did I not realize this dress didn’t fit??
My size 12 pants were getting awfully tight.

WOW, check out that chick’s jawline and little waist! haha.
Cruel life (weight) truth:
I noticed dimples on my thighs that looking back, I don’t remember agonizing over when I was “bigger.”
Focus on being healthy. I recognize I needed to lose weight years ago and am happy I did so. It knocked my cholesterol below 200 for the first time in my life. I eat healthier and am more conscious of myself. That’s what it’s about. Not the number, not the spots on your body that you wish were different.
Do not let your weight consume you and be who you are. Do not be so hard on yourself.
If you have a bad meal, weigh more than you want or have thighs with a few dimples, deal with it. LIVE.
I know now I rather enjoy great meals than be five pounds less. You might disagree with me, and that’s fine, but to me that’s living life and enjoying it.
After going through what I have these past two years I’ve learned we can’t keep bringing ourselves down about our body. “I look so fat in this outfit,” yada, yada, yada.
It’s so damn consuming, negative and miserable.
Stop yourself, and instead find something — anything — about yourself that you’re happy about and say it aloud. Believe it.
You are who you are. Embrace it.
(thanks for listening)

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