When you think hiatus, I doubt you think almost a year and a half, but I’m back… with some damn good excuses, err I mean reasons. First, there was pregnancy and then of course a newborn, and a full-time job. And, if I wasn’t busy and sleep deprived enough, life threw at me an extra curveball… right on my 30th birthday. A few months ago, this average girl got diagnosed with a one in a million disease: transverse myelitis. Transverse-what? I know, I feel the same! Long story short, severe lesions quickly developed along my entire spinal cord (worst 10 percent my neurologist has seen; awesome) that caused me to become temporarily paralyzed; get burning and pins and needle sensations on my legs; lose my ability to pee; write my name; you name it. Just 34,000 or so people in the world have this…. lucky me. I’m doing a heck of a lot better but still dealing with some not to average things. Won’t bore you with those details except to say that I’m now also sans a full-time job, so besides some PT and doctor appointments, I have plenty of time to devote to this blog… and love, love, love the idea of just being average again!

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