must watch: if we could see inside other people’s hearts

May 21, 2013

A quick post to share a video circulating on Facebook that touched me in a profound way. Ever since getting my neurological diagnosis a few years ago I’ve been keenly more aware of how little we see into moments that define each others lives — pain, joys and everything in between. Your co-worker’s mother might be undergoing chemo, a passerby might be elated after a recent proposal, the emotions are endless and yet we rarely see them. Last week we were dealt some heartbreaking news that I’m not quite ready to share — yet less than 24 hours later, I turned myself “on” for a two-hour meeting with a new client. For a worker bee like me it was almost a nice distraction but another reminder that the folks on the other side of the table had no clue. Nor, did I know much about what was going on behind-the-scenes in their lives.

Just a friendly reminder the next time you’re feeling short tempered that perhaps that person about to be on the receiving end is facing a battle you’d never imagine. Paying one person an unexpected compliment, sharing an extra smile (something I’ve made a particular habit with seniors, perhaps simply thinking about my own grandparents), holding back from harsh words or just holding a door might be a small moment in your day that totally changes the outlook for another.

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  • julia martin

    hey alyson! i just watched the video you posted but it didn’t seem to have anything to do with seeing inside other people’s hearts … ? It’s titled ‘HIPPA Security Rules’. Am I missing something?

  • PennyPincherFashion

    Oops - looks like it’s the wrong video! But I did watch the one you posted on FB and totally agree with what you shared here. We all should be kinder to others, whether they are strangers or business acquaintances…because you never know what that person is going through and you’d want the same kindness extended to you in the midst of hardship! xo

    • The Avg Girl Guide

      You said it, lady. My impatience can be a problem for me but I’ve made a really conscious effort to be more kind, more forgiving.

  • Leah Yablong

    Alyson, this video made me bawl my eyes out. So powerful and you are spot on. I hope all your readers watch this video and become a little kinder to others in the future. It’s powerful stuff!

  • Julie Hunt

    I definitely enjoyed that video. I’m also the owner of a frustrating and very rare nerve condition, so I know how you feel. Thanks for sharing this!

    Style by Joules

  • bestofbklyn

    This totally brought on the waterworks, but it’s so true- even people that “look” okay often have things going on below the surface in one way or another, and being a little extra-kind to people doesn’t really take *that* much extra effort on my part, but could really make a difference to them. Thanks Alyson, and I really respect that you’re still making an effort to reach out to others even when you’re going through a tough time of your own. Virtual blog hugs to you- hang in there.

  • PinQue

    Thanks for this reminder. I have been trying to make a conscious effort to give others at work a break, you really never know what people are dealing with in their personal lives. I know I have been having some rough times lately on a personal level and I am sure it has effected my actions at work. Hugs to you and hope everything is okay!

  • Morgann

    Beautiful! Love the message.

  • Lisa Cushman

    I am so thankful that a friend taught me this lesson in my late teens. Not until I became older, did I fully realize and comprehend her profound message. Thank you. I look forward to sharing the video. :-)

  • Joe Curry

    Wow, that’s quite the video. Thanks for sharing.

  • whitneycosgrave

    what a poignant video. thank you for sharing : )

  • Jackie Thomson

    I was just at Mayo Clinic for a heart procedure and this video really hit home for me. Thank you for sharing this.

    • Alyson

      Wow, Jackie, hope you are doing OK. Glad you enjoyed this video… definitely sheds some light as to what people might be going through as we’re simply walking by.

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