Get ready for something big: 50 of you — yes, 50! — are about to win $40 each to iNPINK, an seriously fantastic online jewelry boutique. I mean, your odds of winning here are pretty amazing. And, worse case? Everyone who enters gets $15 credit to iNPINK so you’re a winner no matter what. I like that. Here’s a few finds under $40 that I’d totally be considering if I were you.
coral stone tassel lariat necklace || multi-color bangle set || black and gold bangle || two-tone necklace || coral bead snake ring || turquoise ring
To enter ///// NEW: Enter in the box just below here, not in the comment form.
Required: Follow iNPiNK on Facebook and subscribe to TAGG (email, bloglovin, RSS, Google Reader, etc).

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