For all my talk about leggings, I’m not a gal who often wears them. A piece of material suctioned around my thighs for the world to see?? Umm, pass. Until now. Enter: good leggings! Wowza, there is a difference.
To you naysayers out there, I suggest you own a pair. Unless you’re naturally blessed with gorgeous long and lean gams or are a crazy toned rockstar, the bargain-price options are not doing you justice. These Trouve leggings from Nordstrom wear just like pants, in fact a girlfriend and the hubs thought they were! It’ s a great non-jeans option, and gives you the excuse to layer on big cozy tops. Love that.
I also love wearing the black leggings — or a dress — with brown boots. Don’t be afraid to mix black with brown and think they’re off limits, just like black with navy. It all works, it’s just how you style it (be sure there’s enough contrast between the two colors).

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