While you’ve probably seen via social media by now, couldn’t resist a break in programming to well, explain to why there’s been a break in regular programming. Meet our baby boy, Evan! Our little man was born 11.11 here in Florida, and was two-weeks old when this picture was taken on Monday. We’re completely smitten, and better yet, our daughter has proclaimed him her new best friend, and “he’s so handsome mommy. I love him so much. I’ll never let you down, baby!” Ok, seriously?!
A lot to be thankful this year! I’ll share more about his/our story at a later time here but for now we’re just enjoying the moment, and getting through a very hectic holiday season. Wishing a wonderful Thanksgiving (and Hanukkah, if you’re celebrating!) to you and your loved ones.

The baby that we thought was destined to be ours was due four days ago. Since late November 2012 we secretly had been planning to welcome home a baby boy to our family. Just recently, we finally started telling more friends and extended family, and even shared the news with our three-year old daughter. We nearly settled on a name, and I even emailed a handful of blogger friends to ask if they’d guest post for me while on “maternity leave.” But as we’ve learned when you’re adopting, sometimes the baby you finally let into your heart isn’t destined to be yours at all.
Three weeks ago my husband got a call that the birth mother changed her mind, for reasons not worth getting into here. When I got home from an all-day seminar that night I saw two vases full of flowers… and an awful look on his face. I swear “I have news,” or “I need to tell you something” is never a good thing. I had just purchased the baby bedding the night before — the cutest little alligator set — and was considering paint colors. I was even planning something fun with Target, and just spent time picking out registry items. The baby I was protecting from my heart for months finally wormed its way in and I couldn’t stop thinking that any day we’d be snuggling. For so long we hardly talked about it, just inquired about doctor appointments and I’d sneak a look at the sonogram saved to my phone. But just a few weeks before the bad news my motherly emotions took over, and I began a major nesting phase, starting planning with my office how I’d manage a small break and work a modified summer schedule with the baby at home. I longed to hold this little guy. Being candid, I didn’t expect to feel that way.
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