As much as each New Year is a time for reflection, it’s my birthday when I find myself really evaluating. It’s a date I define as the separation between the old and new me. Most of you know my story by now. If not, this story pretty much sums it up. Do you have a turning point that defines two parts of your life? Perhaps a baby, becoming a mrs., scoring a major life-changing job, major weight loss or something similar can do it.
I randomly looked around my office last Friday. I was exhausted, ready for the weekend, and honestly, just ready for this coming weekend where I head to NYC to a great friend’s bachelorette. I stopped for a moment. Less than four years years ago, I would have never envisioned my life where it is today. Absolutely never, on so many levels.
As busy as my schedule can get, I often feel like I’m running in a circle, in this grind and wondering if I’m really making any progress. There are days, months, probably years when many of us feel that way. But, if we keep trying, and are determined, trust that you are making progress. During a week that just felt frustrating and slightly defeating I was reminded of four years of work. There’s nearly 1,000-sq. ft. of office space with my company’s name on the door. I get to go to work with four employees who I’m grateful to have on this team. We work with some fantastic clients. I’m really lucky.
Then there’s this blog. This outlet I never imaged. I’ve learned how to blog on my own. Photoshop Elements. Affiliate networking. The most random stuff that has helped me in a myriad of ways. I’ve gotten to speak and meet so many of you (my favorite!). Yeah, I’m honestly a little burnt out from this right now — it’s a challenge with with the addition of another babe — but I’m insanely grateful for this platform and the invaluable people and experiences its afforded me. Oh wait, did I mention that new babe?
I haven’t spoken much about our little guy because the paperwork isn’t finalized; hopefully in April, and then I’m excited to introduce you to him in a bigger way. To share his story and how he became ours. While our first adoption story did not have a happy conclusion, this one is the stuff of fairy tales. He’s so good, so sweet, with these cuddly cheeks, blue eyes and smile that can melt the universe.
Four years ago, instead of celebrating my 30th birthday with friends the doctor was telling me she wasn’t sure I’d walk again. Not well at least. My neurologist issued me a handicap decal. I wasn’t allowed to walk and carry my four-month old little girl. I didn’t focus on any of it. I’m not sure why, I just didn’t. Yeah there were plenty of hard, crap days, but I don’t know, time went on. I’m walking — hell, I’m finally running under a 12:00 minute mile again. And, I’m here now celebrating milestones while thinking what’s next — even if it feels like I’m still in the grind.
So, what’s next? I’m realizing it has to be a little bit more for me. Sounds so selfish, right? I mean as it relates to a few key things: my family. my husband. spending quality time — I don’t have the quantity so ensuring that the moments together are good and where I’m ‘present.’ Cherishing friends who push me to be the best version of me and are as excited about my successes as I am about theirs. Being healthy. Really stepping back, evaluating what I’m eating, how I’m taking care of myself and making sure to regularly exercise. These are the things that matter. There’s more I’m sure, and I do feel like the sky is the limit, however for today, I’m feeling pretty blessed for the gifts I’ve been given until now. Thank you for being part of this journey with me.
{ps: this post I pray doesn’t sound boastful, nor is it a happy birthday request. just a fairly emotional time for me each year and it’s helpful for me to put it out there}