FIRST, THANK YOU. I knew you guys were amazing, but your open hearts and kind responses to me putting it out there in this week’s vent sesh about our adoption have been beyond words. I have been so touched by your comfort, your virtual hugs and your candid emails, texts and comments sharing some really personal details, heartaches and triumphant moments from your own lives. For those who might not have reached out, know you’re not alone in any struggle wanting a baby. It’s another one of those silent topics that more women than you realize struggle with yet don’t say anything, not even to their friends. It might take me a little while to get back to each of your messages, but until I do please know your stories are in my heart and I’m sending virtual hugs right back to you. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and thank you so, so much for taking the time to hear our family story.
Now, on to TAGG’s best of the web…
A strawberry quinoa salad from one of my favorite new bloggers (and friends!) looks so divine. The Kitchen Prep rocks it with amazing desserts but she’s sharing some health news, and why she’s infusing a little of her favorite delish/healthy dishes on the blog. Color me happy!
Woah, 25 celebs turning 50; in shock…. I mean, Johnny Depp!
A parenting article new to me: 10 things never to say to children. I’ve read this about 10 times. I’m REALLY working on how I react and reply to our daughter.
A totally chic, easy-to-recreate look that can go from work to weekend.
All grammar rules are key, but there are biggies you never want to mess up! Check out elembee for her weekly grammar tip!
Heeellllooo! Obsessing over this majorly adorbs DIY mat Jenni created for her new digs. Love this easy idea.
Major mazel to one of my first blogger friends, Grace, who is launching a flats collection with Matt Bernson. Hello=amazingness (and so deserved!).
Eat up: 13 yum things to make in the microwave. Fast + delicious for the win.
Deal: a few bloggers found these ankle strap heels via Target and they’re so spot on. MAJOR find for just $29. You can buy two or three colors for the price other brand are retailing them for. Obsessed.
And, J. Crew has 25% off all purchases… don’t miss this one! Obsessed with this skirt in stripes or mini dots, this dress (love the back!) and its my go-to for great shorts — how cute are these patterns right now?! I wear mine every weekend.