What’s calling my name this fall? The same that’s been on my mind aaaalllllllll summer long! A chambray shirt. Mmmm, delicious! Know what it is? Let’s say it’s kind of like a denim shirt but a little softer and more feminine. OK, maybe that’s not the best description. Just pick a denim shirt and call it ‘chambray’ and you’re totally stylin’! Lol, at least that’s waht this gal is saying.
I love its versitility, like you can do the denim on denim thing like this like we saw on Pretty Shiny Sparkly…
Or, you can tuck it in for a glam look like Emily from Cupcakes and Cashmere did (and ps: she’s totally wearing the J. Crew one I’m coveting, $78)…
So many options, right? Still on the hunt, though I did recently pick up a great v-neck ‘chambray’ tee on clearance at Old Navy that you might have spied in yesterday’s outfit post. I tried on the O.N. chambray button-down but it wasn’t working for me; oddly it was too tight in the chest (and let me tell you, I never have that problem if you know what I mean! hah). Plan to check out Gap, Madewell, Lulu’s and Modcloth online before just giving in to the J. Crew one. Best to get it after I receive my monthly catalogue, usually stuffed wtih a lovely 20 percent off coupon.
So what do you think, it this a look you wear or plan to wear this Fall?