Every time around this time of year every Florida girl (and probably add in at least Texas and California girl) are craving fall attire, despite temperatures rarely dipping below 80 degrees. Sad reality. Two ways to inject a little fall: 1.. find pieces with touches of leather (err, well faux leather in this case). From dresses to blouses, it just adds edge. I picked up this dress in late August and am just getting to it. 2. Check out your footwear. Booties, particularly open toed with a fun pop of polish showing, is another great tip to have fun for fall, and they’re awesome with dresses, skirts and skinny ankle length denim and pants (definitely work appropriate).
dress: ann taylor (on major sale!) // booties: sole society (last season; similar) // purse: kate spade (for less: this or this) // necklace: ℅ baublebar // watch: ℅ skagen (obsessed with this studded option!)