Thank J. Crew for this one. The statement tees (and soon, statement sweatshirts! brrr.) are such a fun way to showcase your personality. Wear them on the weekend: daytime with cut-offs and then add a little bling necklace (like this or this!), skinny jeans and heels for a night out. Luckily, so many brands now offer tees with sassy, snarky and sweet sayings. Just pick one that shows who you are! {pssst: a few of these are such a clearance steal right now!}
row 1: Oh My Chic // Beyonce Wasn’t Built in a Day (thanks to Grace for this find!) // Hello My Name Is…
row 2: Wifey // I Woke Up Like This // Teach
row 3: Bisou/Kisses // Paris // Bridesmaid (also in black)
row 4: Varsity // C’Est La Vie // Tres Bien (on sale!)