Today’s one of those days. Do you have those? Be honest with yourself. This post isn’t about fashion, shoes, a new recipe, a super deal, or anything else like that, it’s about life. My life at this moment. I struggle with giving you too much about my life. Do you want to know? Or, do you want just the “fun” stuff. I’m not sure, but at this moment, I selfishly need to this post this and well, I’m not sure where else to do it…
My dad’s about to have triple-bypass heart surgery, I’m exhausted, and feeling so blah. Passed on a lunch date (sorry!) and a shopping meet up with girlfriends (sorry again!) because I just want to fast forward this day and know he’s OK. I went to the hospital last night to visit; it was the first time I saw the inside of a hospital since I was there last year for a month temporarily paralyzed and changing my life forever after discovering I have some little-known neurological disorder. Ugh. Lucky me, right?
Everyone says I’m always so strong and optimistic but not feeling it at this moment. I’m scared to be honest. It scares me about my dad and then about me, too, that maybe I could have a relapse or something awful. I’m doing pretty well considering, dealing with crap many of you hopefully will never have to consider and then lucky I’m not dealing with pain and agony that you have. All I asked for was that 2011 to be a healthy year because in so many ways 2010 was not for me or my family. After today, it better damn well be!
I need to be doing work for my real job, but how is that important right now? (again, my apologies). Trying to focus on the positive…
Really meaning it: wishing you so much health and happiness for you and your loved ones. It’s all that matters in life.