This says it all to me. If where you work isn’t your dream, what are you doing to get yourself there? We all work (whether at a job or stay-at-home-moms) a majority of our days so if we’re not happy we just have to find a way to change our destiny.
For me, my dream is a massive-size version of this blog where I can inspire, encourage, entertain and bring smiles to as many women as possible. My hindrance to get there? Graphic design skills. I envision TAGG more of a web site than a blog so I’m getting help to make sweeping changes in the next year. At the same time, I’ve been slammed with my PR firm. I just landed two new clients (big yay!!), which has officially given me the confidence to find office space — we’re looking next Tuesday! — and to also hire another senior account manager. Soooo… if you know anyone in the West Palm Beach, Fla. area send them my way.
Also, want a little fun? Check out the TAGG Facebook page today for a little giveaway! Remember my Beauty Buzz review of Maybelline’s Baby Lips? Well, I’m giving four of them away to one awesome reader! And, in the spirit of equal holiday representation here, since I shared an Easter-inspired treat yesterday with the Peep S’mores (freaking amazing!), all my Passover-celebrating friends should check out this insane recipe for caramel chocolate covered matzoh that I made last year. Honestly, you’d have no clue matzoh was involved… so good that my family has been harassing me to make it again (ok, that and kale chips; haha, random combo!).

Happy Friday! This week was insane, and therefore TAGG is giving just a quick check-in to wish you a happy, hopefully semi-relaxing weekend. This real girl has been insanely busy, exhausted and sadly, slacking on doing our Shred a little bit. The daughter has been waking up throughout the night all month, so in addition to our move (which includes my home office), I’m ready to lay in a hammock on the beach for 48 hours. Dream!
In exciting news, this weekend is filled with lots of family, including seeing my mom, who is finally moving near me. I’m beyond excited. As you know, one of my New Year’s resolutions is to spend more time with my family so we’ll be having brunch (bagels and lox, of course) for one set of my grandparents tomorrow to show them the new digs, and then on Sunday we’re heading to my other set to hang and see my mom, too. Add a 3-year old birthday party in and seeing one of my sorority little sisters in town for a wedding and you can see how the laying the hammock thing is just a dream!
What’s on your weekend agenda?
PS: remember the awesome giveaway courtesy of Andalou for a product of your choice? I’m thrilled to announce that Sara Beth Salzman is the winner! Email me at [email protected] with your contact info.

{photos via: pinterest / TAGG}
When procrastinating on Pinterest (obsesh!), I stumbled across a funny post so clicked through only to discover this Teenager Posts tumblr blog filled with laughable sayings teenagers might say. Me finding these amusing and so reflective of my life either makes me very youthful or… kind of immature?! Haha, I’ll go with the former. There’s also tons of posts that bring me back to my high school days.

Check out more here.
A few things I’m just sayin’… (reader beware: this new, semi-regular column just might ’showcase’ my sort of sarcastic personality. hah).
The fro yo you just bought is no longer considered on Weight Watchers, sweet lady I overheard asking if it was WW friendly, when your cup is obscenely overflowing. Like, majorly, obscenely overflowing.
There’s nothing like leaving your house without your bra on and realizing when you’re too far gone.
Awestruck by the creative types with Etsy-based businesses whose works I devour throughout the wee hours.
Singing at the top of your lungs in your car to some of your favorite classic songs really makes everything better in the world.
The new Magnum ice cream bars are pretty kick-ass delicious, except that they’re like nine gazillion grams of fat and calories. I prefer really fattening dishes that don’t come wrapped with nutritional information so I can pretend they’re way better than they are.