Something has been bothering me, really festering inside.
I realized way too many women deal with this same issue yet no one really talks about it.
The syndrome that plagues so many every day…
I hear ya loud and clear, sista!
(keep reading, I have a solution.)
It doesn’t matter how big or small the closet is, we all have the same frustrations.
Instead of complaining, let’s do something about it.
While mags show the “top 10 items” every wardrobe should have, frankly that doesn’t work for all of us.
And, yes I show you trends and fun items… but these are extras, not the necessities.
My solution… (get ready!)….
Keep a pen and piece of paper near your closet.
The next time you feel like you’re about to explode — or implode — because you’re so frustrated by a closet full of NOTHING,
write down the item you’re searching for.
Can you never find a cute blouse?
Is it the perfect pair of jeans?
A certain color heel?
A shift dress that’s good for work and then can be loaded on with jewelry for happy hour?
Determine the TOP 5 items you’re missing.
Now, here’s the even harder part:
Next time you’re out shopping ONLY look for these items.
You see a hot deal? Who cares if it’s not on your list. Pass. I did it last week and honestly, it was empowering. Avoid temptation stores like Forever 21 (or whatever triggers you).
It’s just like avoiding fattening food when you’re on a diet!
Once you know what you’re looking for it’s much easier to give yourself ground rules.
Otherwise you come home with your third pink cardigan in a slightly different shade (guilty, as charged).
Wheh. Feel better just writing about this little-discussed “syndrome.”
Who’s with me??? This is a big commitment!

And, ps: just two more days to enter to win (FREE!) a perfect-for-summer, hand-painted wristlet from Elise Francesca. Keys, phone, cash=in wristlet, head to pool or ocean!