Search Results for: diy
best of the web 7.28.13
Yum: quinoa, avocado, peas and asparagus salad. Delish + so easy! 12 items you probably own too much of… truth. Really great marriage advice. Some really good take-aways (regardless if you’re single or going on a decade!).
best of the web, and adios google reader
Woah, what a week! So much more slammed than I ever intended — meetings just came out of nowhere, and back-to-back in a serious way! — and this weekend was awesome, but not a moment to myself,
reason no. 7,349 why magazines rule
This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and All You, but all my opinions are my own. #lifeforless #pmedia I’m a magazine fiend. They’re these amazing publications that are
best of the web
How much does this girl make you want to get up and dance? Love her! She’s getting me even more pumped for tonight: I’m heading to the NKOTB, Boyz II Men and 98 Degrees concert. Will bust
best of the web 6.15.13
Happy Father’s Day and weekend, everyone! We celebrated today my sister-in-law’s marriage to a great guy who adores her to pieces, and our cutie was the flower girl; so sweet! Busy weekend with the rehearsal dinner last
thank you, and best of the web 6.9.13
FIRST, THANK YOU. I knew you guys were amazing, but your open hearts and kind responses to me putting it out there in this week’s vent sesh about our adoption have been beyond words. I have been
best of the web 5.27.13
Before getting your day started — hopefully with sun, surf, cocktails and relaxation — you’ll take a few moments to remember what this day is all about: immense gratitude for the brave men and women who have
diy jewelry box
Wishing Erin lived closer so I could give her a mah-jor hug for this one! Check out her easy and creative DIY jewelry storage solution… that would also make an amazing, heartfelt gift! It makes me want
when a tee is more than just a tee
T-shirts serve a great purpose. They’re functional, cozy and are great for layering. But rarely do I find a tee that I’d also wear to work and not feel like it’s casual Friday (and even then its
bloggers share: best summer beauty buys
As the temperatures rise, good beauty products are worth their weight in gold. Make my skin look matte (yet glowing) even when I’m feeling shiny and sweaty, or keep my fizzy hair at bay when humidity is