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this week on tagg
Hi guys! Alyson here, and just a heads up that I’m on a much-needed family vacation in Vermont. Work/travel has been insane and I’m so ready for a mental and physical break. I’ve been drowning, if we’re
outfit: maxi-mizing
I discovered this super soft maxi during Nordstrom’s anniversary sale — of course, not part of the sale — though ultimately couldn’t pass it up after trying it on! A quality, printed maxi has been on my
wednesday words: workin’ for success
Yeah, there’s a few people that have moments when stars align and they get to the top of the ladder a little faster than others, but let’s be honest: that’s a rarity. Success comes from work, hard
the best time saving beauty finds

While my bathroom counter and shower might be loaded up with random beauty samples, don’t get jealous too fast: this mama and business owner x 2 rarely has time to scout out new products, or at least
the new small ‘it’ bag
Ironic that when the post before this is all about saving or spending, we’re also showcasing the must-have small ‘it’ bag. While large totes are great, they can get hugely heavy (more space = more stuff), and
tagg talk: saver or spender
Let’s talk honestly for a minute, ladies: when it comes to money, are you a saver or spender? Do you find yourself clipping coupons, digging online for sales or are you more prone to pull that highly
outfit: new finds from an old favorite, shopping tips
There are some stores that I’ll always have an affinity toward despite getting a little older. During high school I worked at Burdines (now Macy’s), and then in college I worked for years at American Eagle. During
best of the web 7.28.13
Yum: quinoa, avocado, peas and asparagus salad. Delish + so easy! 12 items you probably own too much of… truth. Really great marriage advice. Some really good take-aways (regardless if you’re single or going on a decade!).
the secret to waterproof mascara
Ok, guys, big tip: when I met earlier this year with the make-up artist from Pixi (post here), she enlightened me to something very important. While waterproof mascara will definitely help you hold up during a tear-fest
recipe: turkey enchilada casserole {it’s good!}
As I approach summer, I always think I’ll have plenty of time to catch up on life, organize closets, do random jobs around the house, cook creative new meals, you name it. However, I swear I’m busier